Support the Buffalo Theatre Ensemble

In Giving Stories Life

For many years College of DuPage (COD) has provided in-kind assistance to Buffalo Theatre Ensemble. BTE is grateful for CODʼs leadership and financial assistance; the COD Board of Trustees continues to pledge support.

Now established as a separate nonprofit organization, BTE is responsible for organizational costs,  production and personnel expenses, and some of the costs associated with physical facilities. BTE, like most theatres and arts organizations, realizes less than half of its needed revenue through ticket sales. Grants and voluntary contributions make up the difference. To ensure that professional theatre remains a part of our community, BTE depends on generous community support.

Connect directly at to see virtual events from the past year and upcoming.

NOTE: Through a cooperative partnership, College of DuPage Foundation accepts donations for Buffalo Theatre Ensemble and on a regular schedule disburses all funds to BTE.
