Chamber Singers & Concert Choir
Thursday, May 11, 7:30p
Belushi Performance Hall
$7 tickets
Chamber Singers specialize in vocal chamber music of all periods with particular emphasis on Renaissance madrigal and motets, music of the 20th century, and the music of many cultures. Contemporary music includes major composers, avant-garde music and arrangements of folk, ethnic and popular music. This select ensemble includes voice majors, other music majors and other skilled singers.
Concert Choir is a non-auditioned ensemble that sings outstanding choral works of many styles, genres and eras. Repertoire includes short and medium-length works including folk, Gospel, classical, Broadway and contemporary works. Members come from all walks of campus life.
About the Director: Patrick O’Shea holds the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts in Choral Music from Arizona State University, Master of Music degree in Choral Music from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Bachelor of Music degree, summa cum laude, in Vocal Performance from Shenandoah Conservatory in Winchester, Va. His composition teachers have included the late Russell Woollen, as well as Thomas Fredrickson and Randall Shinn. He has served frequently as a clinician and adjudicator, and has been commissioned to write new works, particularly for choral and chamber music ensembles. Dr. O’Shea is a member of the American Choral Directors Association, the American Society of Composers Authors and Publishers, American Composers Forum, and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia music fraternity.
Program Digital can be found here: https://audienceaccess.co/show/MAC-7814 Or text “may23choirs” to (630) 523-8668